Wordsworth wrote " The world is too
much with us; late and soon, Getting
and spending, we lay waste our
powers; Little we see in Nature that is
ours, We have given our hearts away,
a sortid boon!"
Wordsworth wrote " The world is too
much with us; late and soon, Getting
and spending, we lay waste our
powers; Little we see in Nature that is
ours, We have given our hearts away,
a sortid boon!"
Saving your $ is Respecting yourSelf
I want to get back to my old financial lifestyle (sorta) where I had 3-4 grand expendible play money. Of course, that's when I was 16, saved $ from my first job for 6months & blew it all in one weekend to a music festival.
I want to be able to have that much $ again - but this time I won't spend it, I'll save it ;)
Invest it in ME in US in our LIFE
WoW. If we only had hindsight!!!
I am young - 24. (PS- to me, it feels like I've been here for a while now!)
And Boy Howdy have I learned a lot JUST FROM LIVING IN THE WORLD - not in a classroom with textbooks (insert college envy here). P.S. most cultures think you become "of age" (an adult) when u r 25 --- US colleges consider all 25yrs+ applicants Adults.
So technically, I am on the cusp of this thing called adulthood ;)
Good to finally make it official, since ppl have been telling me I'm an "old soul" since I was 8 or 10!
I have enormous gratitude for MYSELF - for my mental clarity, happiness & control. Because I feel like I have finally stripped away all the veils, to see humanity & life for what it truly is. To Understand, and thus feel comforted. (Even to understand that there is always a portion which will be misunderstood/unkown is a comfort - jamais vu)
I will touch more on this later ;) at least this time after I found out all the answers to life I won't be forgetting it all once I wake up
elle mackenzie (@rcherie) has shared a Tweet with you: "rcherie: Picture of my Happy Place. Where my Spirit Soars. My focal point of 5 years. Love sustaining Life. http://t.co/WXuB5GX" --http://twitter.com/rcherie/status/97368430537228288
:) Love you Buddy
I am soooo happy for Every Single Moment of you being alive and purring