So I was doing some Math, just for the heck of it. I made friends with Mr. Gallon (Love learning tools with a face!).
Actually, I heard a TV show profile a person with alcohol addiction that was drinking up to a gallon a day. Which made me think -- wait, just how much is that guy drinking??!
Well, I thought back to my own drunken daze of PBR beer cans - theres the usual 12 ounces. Then you got your frosty 16 oz Pint glass served at a bar. You also have the 24oz cans that you go to the gas stations for.
I quickly realized that drinking 1 gallon of alcohol is a hell of a lot easier than I initially thought.
At least according to the typical college student / young persons standard. Lets do the math.
drink 5 normal (12oz) beer cans = 1/2 gallon. Drink 10 of these beers, you got your 1-Gallon! OR
Drink 8 of those frosty Pints (16oz) and you have 1-Gallon
Just 5 of those "Tall Boys" 24oz will get you to the 1-Gallon.